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You lead a small to medium-sized church, and you need a source of technical skills and advice
Now the only question is where to find affordable help?
What our clients are saying...
- Rev. Jacques Nel, St. David's Presbyterian Church, Toronto, Ontario
Rev. Matthew Sams Clerk of Session, Pickering Presbytery, Ontario
Rev. Tobey Boyer, Knox-Alliston Presbyterian Church, Alliston, Ontario
Blair Banks, Web Coordinator, Pickering Presbytery
Web, Tech and Worship Blog
Open or Closed?
The level of welcome we offer on our websites is always an interesting discussion that quickly boils down to our basic beliefs around security. This week I’m been particularly reminded of this as I’ve been installing security software and SSL certificates on a number of the sites that I’ve built and manage for clients.…
Read MoreTruth or Fact or Not?
It seems pretty timely to talk about facts and alternative facts. In our case, those emails that you receive from various companies telling you that your church’s domain is about to expire. Accompanying these “helpful” reminders are usually convenient forms for you to fill out to prevent the expiry of the domain (so long…
Read MoreTechSoup Canada
TechSoup Canada? Never heard of it? The truth is that until 4 years ago I had never heard of them either. But then I was asked to obtain a license for the Microsoft Office suite of products for a client. I went the usual route to the local big box electronics store and got the…
Read MoreFormatting the HTML Way
In today’s blog we’ll discuss formatting text in HTML. If you want to repeatedly format large amounts of text, then you should use CSS (a topic for another day), however if you want to emphasize a few words in a sentence or paragraph then what follows is the way to go. In all the examples…
Read MoreSpace…(ing)
The use of space on a web page is needed to properly balance the elements on the page. Too little space and the page will seem overcrowded and “busy” while too much space leaves the impression that there is little worth saying. I’m using space here to mean a couple of things. It can be…
Read MoreRansomware…late breaking news!
Your first question might be what is ransomware? And its a good question, because ransomware is the latest of malicious practices appearing on the internet. Despite my previous assertion that we would go a little deeper into WordPress and this post is most decidedly not about WordPress. The reason for the diversion came in the…
Read MoreSchool is in Session…w3school
As I’d mentioned in the last post, we’re going to take a more WordPress and website-specific approach over the next little while. A website, WordPress or otherwise, is composed of a minimum of three technologies that work cooperatively to generate what you see and interact with in your web browser. These three are HTML, CSS…
Read MoreTime for a little test…and reward!
There really isn’t a test…but there really is a reward! I did think though that this would be a good time to recap the 12 posts that have appeared here over the past 4 months. I’m averaging 3 per month but my output has been down in the last couple of month or so due…
Read MoreCommenting in not on your website…
Commenting is one of the best things that you can do for your church website and for those who take on the mantle of web aficionado when you are ready to pass it on. In this context, commenting is all about putting short notes into your web pages to help guide new volunteers or just…
Read MoreIs Geomapping for you?
Geomapping is the process of taking information with a location component and creating a map from that information. At first blush you may say, “Why would a church want or need to geomap anything?” The truth is that every church has a rich source of geomapping data and about 100% of them call it the…
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